Sleep Apnea Solution Center
Dr. William (Bill) Harrison, DDS
 | 2282 Como Ave., | St. Paul, Minnesota | 55108 | 651.646.1123   

Dr. William Harrison, DDS

Dr. Harrison earned his dental degree from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry.  PriorMan and woman smiling to entering private practice, he served a general practice residency at Fairview University Hospital and Hennepin County Medical Center.

Dr. Harrison has taken numerous postgraduate education courses, specifically selecting courses focusing on advanced restorative dentistry.  His most recent training in Lumineers and Clear Correct Orthodontics allows him to offer a pain-free and noninvasive way to straighten and beautify teeth.  In addition, he has recently completed an intensive implant program,  and can now offer placement of implants in addition to restoration for missing teeth.   Dr. Harrison's commitment to lifelong education ensures you the highest level of care, both today and tomorrow.

As a leader, Dr. Harrison believes in giving of himself to the community, often offering free dental services in area clinics and through the Donated Dental Services Program.  In additon, Dr. Harrison works as a researcher/adviser for the 3M dental division and the Dental Practice-Based Research Network. Dr. Harrison is currently serving as president of the St. Paul District of the Minnesota Dental Association.   In 2003, the same organization  awarded him with the statewide  Dentist Leadership Award.  Additionally, he has had numerous features and articles in several publications.

Dr. Harrison and his wife Cheryl have three beautiful children, and in his spare time he enjoys biking, skiing, hiking, and just about any other "silent" sport.

Free Sleep Screening

contact us for a free sleep screening

Sleep Apnea Solution Center - Dr. William (Bill) Harrison, DDS  | 2282 Como Ave., | St. Paul, Minnesota | 55108 | 651.646.1123